10 : 55
MNW #050: Mastering Dapper Relationship Mappings
SQL query mapping made easy (and fast) with Dapper
20 : 4
Last Chance To Get 30% Off Pragmatic Clean Architecture [43 remaining]
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What Students Are Saying About Pragmatic Clean Architecture [239 coupon codes remaining]
The modern, practical way of building Clean Architecture systems
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Pragmatic Clean Architecture Course Launch + Exclusive 30% Discount 🚀
The modern, practical way of building Clean Architecture systems
4 : 4
Pragmatic Clean Architecture Course Launch + Exclusive 30% Discount 🚀
The modern, practical way of building Clean Architecture systems
5 : 4
MNW #049: Modular Monolith Communication Patterns
Find out why Modular monoliths are becoming so popular
5 : 4
MNW #048: Why Clean Architecture Is Great For Complex Projects
Find out how Clean Architecture drastically improves quality
5 : 4
MNW #047: Using Domain Events To Build Loosely Coupled Systems
Find out how to decouple your business logic from side effects
5 : 4
MNW #046: 8 Tips For Writing Clean Code
Writing clean code is a skill, and here's how you can learn it
13 : 24
MNW #046: 8 Tips To Write Clean Code
Writing clean code is a skill, and here's how you can learn it
5 : 4
MNW #045: Implementing an API Gateway For Microservices With YARP
Find out how to build a reverse proxy in .NET and use it as an API gateway
5 : 4
MNW #044: Response Compression in ASP.NET Core
Find out how to improve API performance and reduce network costs View In The Browser MNW #044:
5 : 14
MNW #043: Adding Real-Time Functionality To .NET Applications With SignalR
If you need real-time functionality in your app, look no further than SignalR View In The Browser
5 : 44
MNW #042: Refactoring From an Anemic Domain Model To a Rich Domain Model
Find out if anemic domain model is an antipattern, and how a rich domain model can help View In
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MNW #041: The Right Way To Use HttpClient In .NET
Find out what are the best practice and guidelines for using HttpClient in .NET View In The
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MNW #040: Scheduling Background Jobs With Quartz.NET
Find out how to easy it is to create and schedule background jobs with Quartz.NET View In The
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MNW #039: Build a CI/CD Pipeline With GitHub Actions And .NET
Imagine being able to automatically build, test, and deploy your .NET applications with every code change
5 : 14
MNW #038: Multi-Tenant Applications With EF Core
Find out how to use query filters and dynamic connection strings to support multi-tenancy View In
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MNW #037: Visualize Your Software Architecture With The C4 Model
Want do be an architect? Here's a standardized way to represent software architecture View In
5 : 14
MNW #036: Enforcing Software Architecture Rules With Architecture Tests
Find out how to safeguard your software architecture with architecture tests View In The Browser